Walking along the chocolate path, cycling up Pigsty Hill, driving down Blackboy Hill. These things are done all the time, but look up any of these places on a map and you will draw a blank, for they are all nicknames given to thoroughfares, or parts of thoroughfares, in Bristol.
The chocolate path is the footpath sandwiched between Cumberland Road and the railway line, next to the New Cut. It is so-named because it looks like it is made out of small chunks of chocolate, sadly not because its lampposts are edible:
Pigsty Hill is the short stretch of the Gloucester Road where a new Morrisons will soon be appearing in the old Offbins off license. Starting soon after the former North Bristol Baths, Pigsty Hill even has its name on some of the street signs: Gloucester Rd BS7 (section known locally as ‘Pigsty Hill’).
Are there any other equivalent thoroughfares in Bristol?
What about Ladies Mile on the Downs? Perhaps that was a nickname before it became officially adopted.
We don’t want to know where you go to pick up your prostitutes, Sunshine!!!
Chocolate path my arse! Law suit wating to happen path I call it! You ever tried walking down there in high heels!!?
What about the Banana Bridge crossing Avon New Cut from Redcliffe to St Lukes Road? The council even painted it yellow.
Has anyone ever taken someone up the chocolate path? I’ve heard its wonderful to share the experience..
I tried eating some of that chocolate path the other day now iv’e got no teesh!